Extend C drive size without format your PC

Mind Blowing Information
2 min readJan 30, 2021


We save all information or other data or files in the Phone memory or memory card in the mobile as well as on the hard disk drive of the computer or laptop.

Generally, the windows operating system and other software files are installed on the C drive that’s why the C drive must require more space may be greater than 80–100 GB.

When the memory of the device you are using is full, its working speed decreases.

In particular, if the operating system is installed on a ‘C’ drive in a computer or laptop, your computer or laptop will start to hang after the drive ‘C’ is full.

In that case, your other drives have a lot of space, but the computer is not running properly because the ‘C’ drive is full.

At that time, we think of formatting a computer, and that idea is natural, isn’t it?

This is because you do not know how to use the space in other drives for the ‘C’ drive or How to Extend any Disk Volume Size in your Computer. there are two methods by which you can extend any disk drive of your Hard disk to get step-by-step details visit Extend ‘C’ disk drive volume without format your PC.



Mind Blowing Information

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